
ALL Headshots services INCLUDe THE FOLLOWING:

  • Professional, High quality photos with NO Watermarks
  • An unlimited amount of headshots/team photos
  • All travel time, fees, tolls and parking included (based on 1 hour travel time)
  • 1 hours of shooting time
  • 3+ hours of editing and handling the photographs individually by Natalie
  • Every photo individually edited
  • Each person will be provide with 3 different angels, front, right and left
  • Your headshots will be provided with the original background ,a white background and a transparent background (worth $50 per headshot)
  • Photos delivered within 14 days
  • Photos are sent out via downloadable Link

All of the above for:

(Applies for one centre only)


Additional Costs:

  • Extra Hour of shooting time: $100 
  • Business Content (candid shoots, to be used for social media/website):$50 (30 minutes shooting time)
  • Face Re-Touch $20 per head (Includes eye enhancement, eye whitening, eye-bags lightening, minimal skin softening, removal of obvious blemishes and more. We aim for a natural looking re-touch.)

Special Offer:

If you have more than one centre per day, Instead of paying another $500, I am willing to lower the cost to $300 per centre.

Natalie's Promise:

If you have specific issues with the editing or style of the photos; please let me know and I will re-edit the photos for you within 14 days (max 2 iterations)

"I want to make you happy!"